Diploma Project: 2021 - 2022

The One Noded Nation, the ONN, is an organisation for the exchange of knowledge and the fostering of autonomy in dealing with disasters for all people on earth.
Community Design // UX Design // Industrial Design
2021 – 2022
DIploma Project
Role: Research, Ideation, Conception, Design, UX Design, Modelling,Model Making
Cooperation: HfG Offenbach, Design Institute of Technology (DIT), Prof. Frank Zebner
Project Overview
Emergencies, such as natural disasters, require people to cooperate and work together to ensure survival and mitigate damage. Moreover, preparations for certain disasters can also prevent deaths, injuries, and material losses.
Sharing information and strategies during disasters is highly relevant. Sharing these informations should be transparent, democratic and accessible so that everyone can share or update the knowledge. The organisation takes on the role of a digital transfer portal.

The disaster preparedness organisation is an anti-hierarchical network whose members are anonymously connected through a digital platform and can directly offer, provide, or request assistance. The knowledge portal for strategies to survive and cope with disasters is co-created and an independent digital infrastructure alternative can be built through open source nodes to provide a reliable means of communication.
The concept of the design includes an organisation for prevention and preparation for natural disasters. The internal structure is dissolved, creating a flat hierarchy and a decentralised network of individuals. All members commit to participation and preparedness, as only through commitment can a decentralised organisation be built. Actions are designed and implemented locally by the members with the help of provided funds. In this way, everything that is needed can be produced locally. When help is needed, a signal can be sent out to neighbouring members. This shortens the path of action and makes help or support happen more quickly.
The One Noded Nation, the ONN, is an organisation for knowledge exchange and autonomy promotion in dealing with disasters for all people on earth.  Even if a member does not have the means to manufacture a Node or Expander Node, he or she can still access the knowledge portal. Members who are able to produce nodes can support other members with nodes. The idea is not to create competition, but cooperation and collaboration so that disasters can be managed together. Ongoing competition is already having an increasingly toxic effect on society, but it is interdisciplinary cooperation that moves humanity forward. This idea is the foundation of ONN. 
Design and Prototype
Flags and Identity
A flag can strengthen the identity and form a bond with the organisation. The "flag" design is based on the system of the "Tri-colore", the three coloured flag, used by many countries, is generatively designed and at the same time identifiable only to members of the organisation.

↘ The Plus Code is a system used in cartography to code locations with a high degree of accuracy using a code of digits and Latin letters. The letters can be represented in the decimal system by a coding matrix, resulting in a long series of numbers.

↘ Each user is therefore represented by a different flag, which is defined by their current location and linked to other users by similar design attributes. In this way, the anonymity of users can be preserved while a code of recognition is created.

↘ 1000 places, 1000 flags, 1 organisation

Digital Platform
The digital platform for knowledge transfer, assistance and active exchange is also an important aspect of the project. As the use of smartphones and computers continue to increase and become more accessible, this already existing interface can be used to enter the portal. A logical step is to design an app / programme that materialises the digital sphere of the organisational structure.

↘ First, several user flows were created to show different scenarios of use. User flows help enormously in identifying the essential interactions of the user interface. After creating them, one has an idea of how the user navigates in the app. This also helps with process optimisation.

↘ The renunciation of graphic or illustrative elements is intended to direct the focus solely to quick navigation and networking. The design of the user interface is thus intended to distance itself from lifestyle apps.

↘ The information portal should also be easy to navigate through search options and categories of the technical method. When a disaster happens, those affected can quickly send out a categorised call for help.

Communication Node
In defining the design goals, the term Primal Meta has already emerged as a fundamentally superior element with relevance for every member. This element has the task of maintaining something that would be lost in the event of a disaster. A steady communication network for the rapid transmission of information can become vital, especially if all communication to the outside world is cut off.

↘ After extensive research into connectors and LoRa networks, initial sketches were created to find a suitable design that would ensure simple interaction, ease of use and ease of manufacture.

↘ Personal Node with the ONN - UI and the Expander Node on the right.

↘ The idea of the ONN is to create cooperation and collaboration so that disasters can be managed together.

ONN Documentation
The project connects extensive research, concepts from new work, altruism and next-gen technology and design for good.
To learn more about my diploma and read about it in its full scope of work, look at the documentation by clicking the button bellow!
ONN Documentation link

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