Intermediate Diploma Project: 04/2017 - 07/2017
The result of the pre-diploma is a theoretical examination of the topic of stress and sensory overload from various sources, self-designed studies and experiments as well as two practical solutions for the targeted elimination of irritating factors.

Design Theory // Public Design
04/2017 – 07/2017
Intermediate Diploma Project
Role: Research, Ideation, Concept, Design, 3D Modelling, Rendering, Modell Making, Writing
Cooperation: HfG Offenbach, Prof. Peter Eckart
Project Overview
The theoretical part of my work includes research in the field of self-organization,distraction toys, architecture and design; also I devoted myself to areas of philosophy, computer science, biology and psychology. With personally designed self-tests I analyzed the behaviour of pedestrians, as well as my own reaction and was thus able to draw conclusions in my practical work.
The practice consists of two parts: first I differentiated between several irritant factors and worked with two approaches at a selected irritation source. The first concept is simple to describe. I found places in the urban space with large advertisements. I then edited the footage and reduced or eliminated the advertising. This has produced a mood spectrum that the viewer should interpret for themselves.
The second concept reduces noise in a specific area of the city and is intended to create a space for relief. The form of the object reminds the viewer of a soap bubble. Due to the suspension on the outside buildings, a formation of unpleasant olfactory situations is less likely. The transparent material ensures the interaction with the external world and has, despite the strange form, a relation to the outside environment of the urban area.